Friday, August 17, 2007

arrrrgh! pure frustration!

Today was so not fun... first today was my day off, and work called me in. They called me in after working 2 twelve hour days and one eleven hour day in a row. And yesterday was a day of hell first our pharmacist didn't show up until 2 pm (we normally open at 9am). He didn't even know how to work the computer he seriously came in and said " so do I just sit here and watch you girls fill the prescriptions" NO!!!!! You cannot sit on your butt all day. It took him litarlly an hour to sign in to the computer and we cannot finish rxs without his final check on the computer.

Sorry to who ever is reading this I'm just venting.

Next it normaly takes us at the most 20-30 minutes to do a rx but it took us 1 1\2 - 2 hours!!! And most of the customers did not take it very we'll , we told them it would take about an hour and a half , but they would show up like 20 min. Later and demand why it wasn't done yet!!! It was because we had a twit for a pharmacist!!!

Ok I think I'm cooled off now that I out there.


Sharlee said...

Oh honey I can totally feel with you on the prescription filling. Its murder waiting for the pharmacists to get around to checking your work, and signing off on those drugs. Specially when the customer is staring at you watching every move.

Unknown said...

HI!! Thanks for coming over last night! You need to blog more often and get some pictures of your cute boys on here. :)